Q&A With Centraleyes – Reimagined GRC Platform

Aviva Zacks
Aviva Zacks Cybersecurity Expert and Writer
Aviva Zacks Aviva Zacks Cybersecurity Expert and Writer

Safety Detectives: Please share your company background, how you got started, and your mission.

Centraleyes: All businesses must implement an effective governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) program if they want to streamline the rules and processes that a business is built upon. And when it comes to digital threats, GRC is the foundation that guides a broader cybersecurity strategy.

Centraleyes was created to help companies overcome their biggest GRC challenges. Our founder and CEO, Yair Solow, originally worked as a Senior Executive at Visa. During his time at Visa, he saw how risk and compliance were a growing problem in the cybersecurity and privacy space. While most companies knew GRC was important, they didn’t always have the resources, tools, or expertise to execute effectively.

Yair scouted the market, quickly identifying a significant opportunity when it came to managing GRC. After leaving Visa, he met with over 200 companies, face-to-face, in two short months to better understand the pain points they were experiencing in this area. The initial feedback gathered through this process provided the catalyst that would eventually lead to the creation of Centraleyes.

Yair took the feedback he gathered to start development on Centraleyes. Traditionally, GRC takes a rules-based approach, which leads to unintuitive and unimaginative solutions in the market. The goal with Centraleyes was to make GRC an intuitive and beautiful experience by always keeping the focus on the customer’s outcomes.

The end result was a robust, cloud-native, risk management platform built using serverless technology. Centraleyes quickly evolved to become the go-to risk management platform for companies in all industries looking to gain more control and visibility over their GRC programs.

Today, Centraleyes is on a mission to become the best GRC platform on Earth through the power of automation, and we’re accomplishing that through our customer-centric focus that caters to the modern needs of GRC. We help companies turn GRC into a dynamic, ongoing process rather than a snapshot in time.

SD: What is the main service your company offers?

Centraleyes: Centraleyes is a single pane of glass, automation-first solution designed for companies looking to aggregate, analyze, and drive insights out of the latest cybersecurity data. Our platform is divided into three core products, 1st Party, 3rd Party, Boardview, and a top Multi-Tenant layer.

1st Party helps organizations manage internal risk and compliance. This solution provides companies with access to a centralized solution for automating and orchestrating all of the manual work required for data collection, analysis, and remediation.

3rd Party enables organizations to manage third-party vendor risk across the organization. Companies can rapidly assess, categorize, and prioritize vendors at scale using one, centralized platform. This solution automates manual GRC processes, provides powerful dashboards and insights, and enables continuous monitoring of a company’s entire ecosystem at scale.

Boardview keeps leadership in the loop by generating powerful insights to share with the board and senior executives. This solution creates detailed reports that ensure a company’s executives understand the full cyber landscape, from a financial interpretation of risk, budget allocations, to the prioritization of remediation steps.

Multi-Tenant allows client-based businesses to white label the Centraleyes platform for use with a portfolio of clients. This solution enables these companies to manage independent risk assessment, ongoing risk management, and other GRC tasks at scale through company-specific dashboards.

SD: What is something unique that helps you stay ahead of your competition?

Centraleyes: Centraleyes is uniquely positioned in the GRC space because of our relentless commitment to creating streamlined processes for implementation & onboarding, data collection analysis, and reporting.

We simplify the client experience by implementing and onboarding customers within hours, not days and weeks—with no implementation costs and pre-customization built-in. Our customers only pay the default SaaS subscription fees.

Our data collection analysis gives companies access to deep insights and new capabilities, including automation, the ability to measure and benchmark data over time, plug-and-play integrations, and intuitive survey distribution and collaboration tools.

Lastly, all customers can leverage automated reports to ensure teams, management, and executives are on board through real-time dashboards and customizable reports that fit a company’s risk and compliance requirements.

The results of all of this give a company everything they need to visualize their GRC in real-time, something that is often only available to large enterprises with significant cybersecurity budgets.

SD: What do you think are the worst cyberthreats today?

Centraleyes: The biggest threat to me is the one that nobody knows about. Everyone knows the world of cyber is full of threats, but the unknown is easily the biggest risk.

The traditional tactical approach most companies are taking—the one where you patch things as they go wrong isn’t sustainable. A winning cyber strategy today needs to be flexible and capable of adapting on the fly. Companies need to use long-term frameworks that can adjust with the times—one that is continuously managed through a platform like Centraleyes or another platform that provides a real-time snapshot into GRC.

About the Author
Aviva Zacks
Aviva Zacks
Cybersecurity Expert and Writer

About the Author

Aviva Zacks is a content manager, writer, editor, and really good baker. When she's not working, she enjoys reading on her porch swing with a cup of decaf.

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