Deloitte Verifies Surfshark’s No-Logs Policy

Kamso Oguejiofor-Abugu Kamso Oguejiofor-Abugu Writer

Surfshark announced its no-logs policy has been independently audited and verified by Deloitte, which is one of the Big Four auditing firms. This is the first audit the VPN has conducted of its no-logs policy.

“The test was a success,” Surfshark said in a blog post. “And what that means to our users is that there’s now even more proof that Surfshark does not record your data.”

Deloitte is a 175-year-old ​​international professional services network that provides industry-leading audit & assurance, consulting, taxation, and advisory services to select brands. It is a member of the Big Four — the four largest professional services networks in the world.

The auditors at Deloitte performed the audit between Nov. 21 and Dec. 2, 2022.

“Based on the procedures performed and the evidence obtained, in our opinion, the configuration of IT systems and management of the supporting IT operations is properly prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with Surfshark’s description of its no-logs policy,” Deloitte said in its report.

Deloitte made it clear that the assessment only addresses the system and infrastructure in place at the time of the audit, and any subsequent changes to the system or infrastructure could affect their conclusion.

“Our assurance engagement is a point-in-time assessment,” the report reads. “The procedures we performed do not provide any assurance for any other point in time or period of time.”

Deloitte also explained that the audit was performed “in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (Revised) applicable to Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information (ISAE 3000 (Revised)) established by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (“IAASB”).”

“Working in an industry that highly relies on trust and transparency, we understand that it takes more than just words to validate our efforts,” said Justas Pukys, Surfshark’s VPN Product Owner. “The positive result from Deloitte’s no-logs assurance report provides factual evidence to our users and future customers that Surfshark operates on the highest privacy and quality standards. We will continue to perform various audits and tests to get independent verification of our security and privacy measures.”

About the Author

About the Author

Kamso Oguejiofor is a former Content Writer at SafetyDetectives. He has over 2 years of experience writing and editing topics about cybersecurity, network security, fintech, and information security. He has also worked as a freelance writer for tech, health, beauty, fitness, and gaming publications, and he has experience in SEO writing, product descriptions/reviews, and news stories. When he’s not studying or writing, he likes to play basketball, work out, and binge watch anime and drama series.

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