Interview With Umair AR - Waltronix CEO

Shauli Zacks Shauli Zacks

SafetyDetectives spoke with Walltronix CEO, Mr. Umair AR, about his tech background, cybersecurity concerns for small businesses, what to do if your website is hacked, and more.  

Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions today. Can you tell us about your journey?

Back in 2015, the story began when I started my journey as a successful freelancer and later completed my Master’s Degree in Software Engineering. After Working with a couple of tech companies, my passion for technology increased, which led me to start my own company.

In April 2020, my dream finally came into being when I started Walltronix and became the CEO of the first self-established tech company. Serving quality services and managing a company in the early phases was a big challenge. In early 2021, Walltronix partnered with Digital Enterprises, where we produced a joint ventured E-Commerce marketplace and a couple of other SAAS startups.

What are some of the main services that Walltronix offers?

Walltronix offers complete solutions for any business to go digital. We help premium brands achieve their future through innovation and creative perspectives. Our expertise ranges from design and development to SEO services, Digital Marketing, content, social, and beyond.

Some of our main services are:

  • Digital & Social Media Marketing
  • Web Design & Development
  • E-commerce Development
  • Native Mobile Applications
  • Web & SAAS Applications
  • SEO & Backlinks generation
  • Content Management

Products that Walltronix produced:

  • Bolt
  • The SMS City
  • Sizzly
  • Optimus
  • Mosh

I see that you create custom mobile apps for businesses; what are some of the main cyber security concerns when connecting an app to your business data?

That’s a great question!

There are a lot of cyber security concerns when connecting an app to your business data, but the biggest one is ensuring that the app is up-to-date. You want to ensure that it’s not vulnerable to any malware or exploits that could be used to gain access to your company’s sensitive information.

When you connect a custom mobile app to your business data, you’re opening up a world of possibilities. You can use the app to manage employees, sales and marketing activities, and more. The problem is that you’re also exposing your business information to potential cyber-attacks.

We develop mobile, Web & SAAS applications, which is quite challenging in today’s tech era. Managing a vast amount of user data systematically and creating a user-oriented environment – are the core values of any digital asset. Protecting the staging environment while the development process is crucial.

Since user data shouldn’t be compromised, we highly insist the dev team encapsulate the program codes. Authors are advised to encrypt the sensitive content; otherwise, it might cause open cyber threats. Developers should be aware of the third-party APIs they use to integrate their services into the system.

Businesses need to be aware of the security risks in their mobile apps. They should always have a cybersecurity expert to help them identify and address those issues.

What is the top cyber threat a business owner faces today?

Spoofing is one of the most dangerous cyber threats on the internet. The company’s sensitive information should remain confidential, and employees should be educated on the tactics to protect their identity against threats that could violate privacy.

Being the CEO of Walltronix, I always intend to educate my employees on the latest threats, ransomware & DDoS attacks and consult with cybersecurity experts for the sessions.

What can a business owner do if their site is hacked? How can they regain control and secure their data?

Start by ensuring the right people are always involved in solving the situation as early as possible. This means that the response plan must specify who is in charge of specific conditions and who should replace them in case they are unavailable.

In addition, all the employees and executives must know who to call when they first identify a problem with the website. Moreover, each department should have people responsible for assessing the situation and contacting the right people to solve the problem.

Following are the points that should be considered in case your website gets hacked:

  • Ask the server administrator for a quick lookup
  • Prepare a backup to restore the site in unwanted conditions
  • Change your password and keep it a minimum of 8 characters long
  • Encrypt the sensitive data on your site
  • Activate 2-factor authentication for user login
  • Secure the root directory and hide it with a virtual path
  • Make sure your SSL is valid
  • Protect your DNS server by encrypting the info
  • Immediately inform the cyber crime wing if any vulnerable activity is being processed on your hacked site

As technology improves, so do the hackers and scammers; how do you stay one step ahead to create a safe environment for your clients?

Providing the utmost reliable services to your clients is crucial, which means their privacy and security equally matter. While running a well-reputed agency, we at Walltronix believe that safety is as essential as the quality of your services. Make sure you give your best while dealing with clients.

Never use pirated software/scripts for the client’s project. Your single mistake could ruin the project, impacting the client and your company’s repo. Make sure to provide your clients with complete documentation about the system’s operations. Educate your clients about internet threats.

Always keep your team up-to-date with the latest cyber-attacks & methodologies so that they’d know how to keep the client’s project secure.W

About the Author

About the Author

Shauli Zacks is a tech enthusiast who has reviewed and compared hundreds of programs in multiple niches, including cybersecurity, office and productivity tools, and parental control apps. He enjoys researching and understanding what features are important to the people using these tools.

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