Teknikforce CEO Cyril Gupta On Predictive Analytics, AI, ML and Blockchain

Roberto Popolizio Roberto Popolizio

Cyril Gupta joined Safety Detectives to explain why cybersecurity awareness is not growing enough in the software industry, and to show his cybersecurity techstack and best practices. We also looked at the technologies and trends he’s keeping an eye on to ensure the best online privacy for his people and his customers in the future.

Cyril Gupta is CEO @ Teknikforce Ventures LLC and a veteran entrepreneur in the software space. He has created a number of products aimed at different markets at different times. Self-taught programmer and self-funded entrepreneur who has grown two companies (one in India and another in the UAE), at Teknikforce Ventures LLC, he heads the company’s online marketing software production and sales.

What are the most challenging cybersecurity threats faced today by consumers in your industry?

Phishing attacks present a grave concern in our industry, characterized by deceptive communications designed to extract sensitive information, and the sheer volume of data in digital marketing amplifies the risk, making vigilance essential. These attacks were initially focused on SMS messaging, but have now expanded to all messaging apps, social media, not to mention fake mobile applications.

📈 According to the most recent report by Cofense, 90% of data breaches begin with phishing.

Adware, disguised within seemingly benign software updates, poses a stealth threat by inserting unsolicited ads, thereby compromising campaigns’ integrity, slowing or even harming your devices, hijacking your browser, and installing viruses or spyware. Its deceptive nature often leads to underestimation.

Ransomware, through unauthorized access and data encryption, demands ransom, critically impacting operations. This threat is frequently underestimated due to a reliance on basic security protocols. One recent example is the Colonial Pipeline attack, that forced the affected company to pay a $4.4 million ransom.

The underestimation of these threats stems from a lack of comprehensive cybersecurity awareness, highlighting the need for enhanced protective measures to safeguard against potential financial and reputational damage.

How effective are the current methods for preventing these issues?

Current prevention methods, such as regular software updates and user education on phishing, provide a foundational defense. Yet, the sophistication of attacks often outpaces general awareness, indicating a need for more advanced solutions.

Implementing multi-layered security protocols, including advanced encryption and multi-factor authentication, offers a robust defense. At Teknikforce, we prioritize integrating these measures into our products, enhancing our users’ resilience against cyber threats.

A proactive stance involves not just reactive measures but also predictive analytics to identify potential vulnerabilities before they are exploited. By leveraging AI and machine learning, we aim to stay ahead of threats, ensuring our clients’ operations remain secure and uninterrupted.

How do you ensure your personal cybersecurity and online privacy?

To ensure my personal cybersecurity and online privacy, I adhere to a stringent regimen of best practices:

  • Using only reputable antivirus software for real-time threat detection and elimination
  • Browsing through VPN services for secure and anonymous internet access
  • Password managers also play a crucial role in maintaining complex and unique passwords across different platforms, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

In aiding our customers, Teknikforce actively integrates educational resources on cybersecurity within our product ecosystem. We guide users on effectively deploying these tools and practices, ensuring their digital environment is fortified against potential breaches.

For those keen on staying informed, I recommend following reputable cybersecurity news platforms and participating in forums such as the Information Security Stack Exchange. Engaging with these resources provides insights into emerging threats and the latest preventive techniques, empowering individuals and businesses alike to safeguard their digital assets effectively.

Digital marketers, you are probably not safe!  

Teknikforce has a YouTube channel called The School of Digital Marketing, and trust me you should follow it.

It’s full of easily digestible and value-packed videos covering the best practices to secure your online marketing activities, like this one 👇

Do you think the level of cybersecurity awareness is improving in your industry?

Cybersecurity awareness within the online marketing industry is indeed improving, evidenced by the increasing prioritization of data protection measures and a growing demand for secure marketing tools. Companies are more actively seeking knowledge on safeguarding their digital assets, a trend that underscores a positive shift towards recognizing cybersecurity as integral to business operations.

However, there remains significant room for improvement, particularly in the understanding of social engineering tactics and the importance of regular security audits. These areas are critical as they address the human element of cybersecurity, often the weakest link in security chains, and ensure systems are up-to-date against emerging threats.

A common myth I encounter is the belief that small businesses are not targets for cyberattacks. This misconception leaves many vulnerable, underestimating the value of their data to attackers. Another is the overreliance on basic security measures, like firewalls and antivirus software, as complete solutions. Small businesses are actually the primary targets for cybercriminals, because they often overlook their cybersecurity, sure their limited resources and data are not appealing to hackers, but in reality, they possess highly valuable customer information, such as credit card numbers, email addresses, and insurance details.

📈 43% of cyber-attacks are on SMBs. 95% are attributable to human error.

To combat these misconceptions, ongoing education is key. This can be achieved through workshops, webinars, and online courses that emphasize the evolving nature of cybersecurity threats and the comprehensive strategies required to combat them. At Teknikforce, we strive to contribute to this educational effort by providing accessible resources and tools that empower our users to enhance their cybersecurity posture.

Looking ahead 5-10 years, what new technologies and trends will have the most significant impact on the issues we talked about?

The proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies will significantly impact cybersecurity practices. These technologies promise to enhance threat detection and response systems by analyzing patterns and predicting potential breaches before they occur.

However, the same technologies could also empower cybercriminals with more sophisticated tools for attacks, especially in the realm of automated phishing and social engineering tactics. The dual-edged nature of AI and ML in cybersecurity underscores the need for advanced defensive strategies that evolve in tandem with these technologies.

📈 Employees of small businesses experience 350% more social engineering attacks than those at larger enterprises.

Another trend set to shape the future is the increasing interconnectivity of devices through the Internet of Things (IoT). While IoT offers unprecedented convenience and efficiency, it also expands the attack surface for cyber threats, making comprehensive security protocols more crucial than ever. The integration of blockchain technology could offer a solution, providing a secure and transparent way to manage digital transactions and data exchanges.

In preparation for these changes, Teknikforce is committed to investing in research and development focused on harnessing the potential of AI, ML, and blockchain to bolster our cybersecurity offerings. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements, we aim to equip our customers with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate the evolving digital landscape securely.

Where can we get in touch with you?

Website: https://teknikforce.com/

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/cyrilgupta/

X: https://twitter.com/cyrilgupta

About the Author

About the Author

Over a decade spent helping affiliate blogs and cybersecurity companies increase revenue through conversion-focused content marketing and Digital PR linkbuilding.

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