Q&A With Internet of Everything Corporation

Aviva Zacks
Aviva Zacks Cybersecurity Expert and Writer
Aviva Zacks Aviva Zacks Cybersecurity Expert and Writer

Safety Detectives: Please share your company background, how you got started, and your mission.

Internet of Everything Corporation: At IoECorp we are a mix of nationalities with heavy tech and entrepreneurial backgrounds. We have been doing successful deep tech startups since the 90s, mostly in wide-area networks. The Internet of Everything Corporation grew up out of necessity. The current digital infrastructures for IoT services were not mature enough to support the large-scale services we saw a need for. Full-scale Smart Cities and Smart Infrastructure needed security beyond cybersecurity, and sustainable computing solutions. 

When we had identified the needs and what was missing with current offerings, we started long and intensive brainstorming sessions until we believed that we had enough specified foundation to start development. 

We believe that current systems and architects are wasteful and that the computing required the refine data into information on IoT systems needs a new and sustainable approach.  

SD: What is the main service your company offers?

IoECorp: Our main product is the Eden Platform, a decentralized P2P service platform, based on a beyond edge computing thinking, a device inclusive system. P2P clusters are decentralized, managed, and with self-healing. For data validation and abnormal node behavior, blockchain and consensus algorithms are used. All data moved, all users, and all services are continuously validated using public-private keys and signatures in the blockchain. 

In addition to our main product, we provide a full Smart infrastructure service package (air, water, pipes, roads, bridges, buildings) based on predictive maintenance. That reduces infrastructure costs by providing targeted pinpointed actions. water quality and air quality systems with targeted treatments of pathogens and pollutions. Detections of leaks both in drinking and wastewater pipes are made easy by the use of mini-bots that are injected into the systems. The mini-bots flow through the systems, continuously collecting and transmitting information about their findings. Pathogens infections the mini-bots can deactivate them selfs using bursts of high intensity 254nm light. Road, bridge, and building data are collected as vibrations and sounds and refined to Information about cracks, high usage, overload, potholes, and accidents. 

Other service packages include Smart City and Smart Ports. We also provide new development and product modernizations, enhancing products with the Eden platform capabilities. 

The integrated Operating Fabric that is Eden put IoECorp at the forefront of providing sustainable and secure large-scale IoT deployments.

SD: What is something unique that helps you stay ahead of your competition?

IoECorp: We look at the current digital risks through a beyond cyber lens, as there are both passive and active risks to consider. 

The passive risks come down to size, and speed, in large deployments of anything, there will always be some parts that don’t perform as expected. In the case of IoT deployments, erroneous data or slow data are the big risks. Sensors and devices that deliver erroneous data to an AI can create enormous disruptions in the real world. 

City traffic routing, logistics planning, telemedicine, the list goes on and on with new fantastic services that will enhance our lives and help create a sustainable future. These services need to be able to rely on the data delivered, the data and information in the infrastructure used by the services need to be verified in an immutable manner. So that autonomous services can be trusted to do their job, as monitoring millions and millions of devices in real-time would be insane to think we can do using IT departments. 

The key to many services and solutions is speed, real-time or close to real-time is critical, first responder services, healthcare, physical infrastructure all need guaranteed data delivery, moving data to a cloud server center to then move it back to where it is to be used is in most cases, not a valid solution, data needs to become informed as it is generated, there should be no middle steps.

At the same time active risks with cybercriminals and cyberterrorists as hackers, are looking at IoT devices and their installations as an opportunity to steal information, extort money and attack national critical infrastructure. 

SD: What do you think are the worst cyberthreats today?

IoECorp: One of the most simple but efficient attacks is the Denial of Service attack, which is a simple way to take out and extort cloud-based services. There is also targeted ransomware, common malware, DNS hijacking, and other tools these criminals and terrorists use. There is one common trait between these attacks, and that is that they in one way or another exploit centralized infrastructure solutions, be it at index, data, service, or user level. To believe that cybersecurity in its current form of attacker/defender is going to work when any takeout of data flow or service will be directly and immensely disruptive to our economy, security, and lives is to not take these risks seriously. 

About the Author
Aviva Zacks
Aviva Zacks
Cybersecurity Expert and Writer

About the Author

Aviva Zacks is a content manager, writer, editor, and really good baker. When she's not working, she enjoys reading on her porch swing with a cup of decaf.

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