Interview With Oliver Korda - Co-Founder at Cryptoradar

Shauli Zacks Shauli Zacks

In an enlightening conversation with SafetyDetectives, Oliver Korda, co-founder of, shares his journey into the crypto world and the vision behind their platform. Driven by the early stages of cryptocurrency growth and a desire to enhance access and understanding in the space, Oliver’s experience at Bitpanda sowed the seeds for Cryptoradar. stands out as a comprehensive tool for users, offering real-time price comparisons, exchange insights, and educational content to navigate the complex cryptocurrency landscape confidently. Oliver emphasizes the importance of choosing the right platform, whether an exchange or a broker, based on the user’s experience level and needs. With insights on recent industry milestones, like the approval of Bitcoin spot ETFs, and the potential impact of AI on trading, Oliver’s perspective sheds light on the evolving crypto ecosystem and strategies for newcomers.

Can you introduce yourself and talk about what motivated you to start Cryptoradar?

Sure, I’m Oliver, one of the co-founders of Cryptoradar. What motivated me to start? Well, observing the rapid early growth and evolution of cryptocurrencies drove me to delve deeper into the crypto space, ultimately inspiring the creation of Cryptoradar. But how did it start?

In 2017, I was employed by Bitpanda, a relatively small crypto broker at the time. I oversaw various projects and cultivated business partnerships. It was during this period that I had a realization: despite the success of some partners in referring users, their online presence fell short in effectively introducing beginners to the topic and organizing crypto data in a way that helps gaining insights.

Driven by a desire to “do better”, I gathered my study buddies for a weekend hackathon towards the tail end of the 2017 crypto frenzy. Together, we built the MVP version of Cryptoradar. Since then, we’ve been assisting users with our services.

What is Cryptoradar, what services do you offer? is a comprehensive review and comparison platform designed to assist users in finding the best places for buying crypto assets.

Through our platform, users can seamlessly compare cryptocurrency prices in real-time, evaluate exchange profiles for key information such as supported regions, available cryptocurrencies, fees, features, and user reviews, empowering them to make informed decisions about their investment choices.

Moreover, we offer advanced price alert features, allowing users to set alerts based on specific targets, volatility thresholds, or recurring intervals. And in our Guide and Blog sections we provide useful onboarding articles and in-depth reviews of various exchanges.

In a nutshell, Cryptoradar aims to equip users with insightful data to navigate the cryptocurrency space with confidence.

What are the key factors individuals should consider when choosing a cryptocurrency exchange?

I suggest taking a step back and reconsidering whether they truly need a crypto exchange or, more fittingly for beginners, a crypto broker. While exchanges typically offer lower fees, they often feature complex user interfaces tailored to experienced traders.

For beginners who may easily feel overwhelmed, crypto brokers aim to simplify the buying process, making it as straightforward as actions they’re already familiar with in their everyday digital lives, such as ordering an Uber.

The exchange versus broker decision will significantly influence the user’s experience and the fees incurred. However, regardless of whether they opt for an exchange or broker, the initial step is to verify availability in their country and support for the desired cryptocurrencies.

Also, Trust is paramount in the crypto space, so it’s crucial to choose exchanges with a solid reputation, backed by positive user ratings, reviews, and proper licensing.

By considering these factors, individuals can select a provider that aligns with their needs and offers a reliable trading platform for their cryptocurrency endeavors. As you can see, choosing a trading platform involves several considerations, and this is precisely where Cryptoradar adds value.

Are there specific trends or developments in the cryptocurrency industry that readers should be aware of?

Absolutely, we’ve achieved a significant milestone for the crypto space with the approval of Bitcoin spot ETFs in February.

For those who might have missed it, the endorsement of Bitcoin Spot ETFs by the FED resulted in the most successful ETF launch for a new asset class in ETF history.

These ETFs are meeting increased demand, meaning they’re catching the attention of investors who weren’t interested before. This has created more buying pressure, leading to Bitcoin reaching a new all-time high shortly after.

This effect might be more noticeable after the next major industry event, the Bitcoin Halving, expected to happen in April. The Bitcoin Halving occurs roughly every four years, when the reward for mining new Bitcoin blocks is halved. This slows down the rate at which new Bitcoins are produced, further diminishing supply.

How do you see artificial intelligence playing a role in the future of cryptocurrency exchanges and trading?

On the cryptocurrency exchange (or broker) level, we are already witnessing the initial applications of AI. For example, Coinbase experimented with ChatGPT for automating token reviews, though it hasn’t met the accuracy standards necessary for a full integration into their security review process. Similarly, European neobroker Bitpanda is working on a new AI service aimed at intelligent automation to enhance investment optimization.

In terms of the impact of AI on trading, well, algorithmic trading has historically been reserved for institutional investors and high net worth individuals. However, by leveraging AI-powered tools, retail investors may be able to harness the same sophisticated techniques used by professional traders to generate wealth. This would level the playing field and create new opportunities for wealth creation among a more diverse population.

(And personally I envision a future where applications like ChatGPT evolve into personalized autonomous AI assistants, akin to Iron Man’s JARVIS

What are some effective strategies for individuals getting started in the cryptocurrency space?

In my opinion, it comes down to similar strategies as those used when starting in the investment space in general.

Warren Buffett famously follows the ‘Invest in what you know’ principle. I think this principle is useful in the crypto space as well. If you lack a basic understanding of why and how Bitcoin was created and only read clickbait headlines about it in the mass media, you will not be able to see any value in it. And you wouldn’t invest your money in something you perceive as having no value, right?

I get that learning something new can be overwhelming, but for those who overcome this challenge, there are indeed suitable strategies for beginners. I’ll talk about one today: Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) – It involves regularly adding money to your investments at fixed intervals.

For instance, let’s say you decide to invest $500 every month, regardless of market fluctuations. This helps you avoid trying to time the market, reducing risk. Instead of investing all your money at once, you spread out your purchases, resulting in an average purchase price over time. DCA also helps you maintain a consistent investing routine, which can lead to a larger portfolio over time.

About the Author

About the Author

Shauli Zacks is a tech enthusiast who has reviewed and compared hundreds of programs in multiple niches, including cybersecurity, office and productivity tools, and parental control apps. He enjoys researching and understanding what features are important to the people using these tools.

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