Interview With Yoash Adato, Founder of Kimico

Roberto Popolizio Roberto Popolizio

Welcome to another interview by Safety Detectives. Executives from the best online companies discuss current and future challenges for your cybersecurity and online privacy.

Our guest today is Yoash Adato, Founder & General Manager of Kimico, the company behind BookBuddy and other apps so far awarded with over 34,000 positive reviews collectively.

He explained why even a simple book cataloging app can be targeted by hackers, how BookBuddy protects their customers’ data, and how he suggests book lovers to remain safe from potential data breaches.

Let’s introduce your company and services to our audience

Kimico’s premier iOS application, BookBuddy, caters specifically to book enthusiasts who desire effortless organization and management of their personal libraries. Tailored for avid readers, collectors, and students alike, BookBuddy boasts a wide array of features aimed at simplifying the cataloging and tracking of books.

For professionals, particularly teachers and educators overseeing classroom libraries, Kimico offers an integrated solution. By combining the BookBuddy app with its Online Sharing service, teachers can easily share their classroom libraries with students via a dedicated website. This platform enables students to self-checkout books while providing teachers with advanced analysis tools. These tools allow educators to make informed decisions and efficiently manage their libraries based on checkout history and other relevant criteria.

Let’s introduce your company and services to our audience

What is the most overlooked or underestimated cyber threat in your industry?

One of the most overlooked or underestimated cyber threats in our industry could be data breaches and privacy concerns. While the focus may often be on protecting the integrity of the cataloging system itself, the sensitive information stored within these systems, such as user data, reading preferences, and personal libraries, can be an attractive target for cybercriminals.

Many users trust book catalog systems to securely store their reading history, personal details, and potentially even financial information if they’re tracking book purchases through the platform. However, if these systems are not adequately secured, they could become vulnerable to hacking attempts, data breaches, or unauthorized access.

Additionally, there may be a tendency to underestimate the value of the data stored within book catalog systems compared to other sectors like banking or healthcare. However, this data can still be valuable to malicious actors for various purposes, including identity theft, targeted phishing attacks, or even extortion.

Therefore, it’s crucial for companies in the book catalog system industry to prioritize robust cybersecurity measures, including encryption, access controls, regular security audits, and user education, to safeguard sensitive user data and mitigate the risk of cyber threats.

What further steps do you usually suggest your customers to enhance their online security?

For our customers we suggest the following steps to enhance their online security:

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): This step effectively emphasizes the importance of adding an extra layer of security to customer accounts, especially in preventing unauthorized access even if passwords are compromised.
  • Keep iOS Device Updated: Reminding customers to keep their iOS devices updated is crucial for ensuring they have the latest security patches and protections against known vulnerabilities.
  • Review App Permissions: Encouraging customers to review and manage app permissions ensures they have control over what data the app can access, enhancing privacy and security.
  • Enable Find My iPhone: Recommending the use of Find My iPhone is essential for enabling customers to locate and secure their devices in case of loss or theft, thereby safeguarding their personal information.
  • Enable Stolen Device Protection: This addition provides an extra layer of security by suggesting the use of iOS’s Stolen Device Protection feature, particularly useful for protecting accounts and personal data in case of device theft.
  • Regularly Back Up Data: We remind our customers to regularly create manual backups of their book catalog information to one or more online storage services such as iCloud Drive, Dropbox, or Google Drive. While automatic backups are performed to iCloud by default, manually creating backups significantly enhances the safety of customers’ data. This ensures they can restore their data in case of device loss, damage, or data corruption.

Overall, these steps cover a wide range of security measures and provide customers with actionable strategies to enhance their online security when using BookBuddy on iOS devices. They effectively emphasize the importance of proactive security practices in safeguarding personal information and ensuring a safer digital experience.

What further steps do you usually suggest your customers to enhance their online security?

What further steps do you usually suggest your customers to enhance their online security?

Can you share any experiences your company has had with cybersecurity incidents and the lessons learned?

Android users seeking the BookBuddy app, which is exclusive to iOS devices, face a pervasive and severe security risk in the form of phishing attacks. Malicious actors exploit this demand by offering fake versions of BookBuddy on untrustworthy websites, posing significant security threats.

One major concern is the potential distribution of malware disguised as the legitimate app. Users who unwittingly download and install these fake apps may expose their devices to malware capable of stealing personal information or compromising device functionality.

Additionally, downloading the app from unofficial sources bypasses the security measures of the Google Play Store, increasing the risk of installing untrusted or harmful software. This exposes users to vulnerabilities that malicious apps could exploit to gain unauthorized access or control over their devices.

To mitigate these risks, users should exclusively download the BookBuddy app from official app stores, such as the Apple App Store for iOS devices. It’s crucial to exercise caution and avoid downloading apps from third-party websites that appear suspicious or unauthorized. By remaining vigilant, users can safeguard their devices and personal information from potential threats.

Can you share any experiences your company has had with cybersecurity incidents and the lessons learned?

Do you think the level of cybersecurity awareness is improving in your industry?

The level of cybersecurity awareness in the book cataloging system industry appears to be improving gradually. As technology continues to advance and cyber threats evolve, there is a growing recognition among companies and users alike of the importance of prioritizing cybersecurity measures.

Several factors contribute to this improvement:

Education and Training: Companies are increasingly investing in cybersecurity education and training programs for their employees to raise awareness about potential threats and best practices for mitigating risks. Similarly, users are becoming more informed about cybersecurity through educational resources and awareness campaigns.

Regulatory Compliance: Compliance requirements and regulations, such as GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California, are placing greater emphasis on data protection and cybersecurity. Companies operating in the book cataloging system industry are compelled to adhere to these regulations, leading to improved cybersecurity practices.

User Empowerment: Users are increasingly empowered to take proactive steps to protect their personal information and data security. This includes utilizing security features such as two-factor authentication, regularly updating software, and being cautious of phishing attempts.

While progress is being made, there is still room for improvement – Cyber threats continue to evolve, requiring ongoing vigilance and adaptation of cybersecurity strategies. Continued investment in cybersecurity education, technology, and collaboration within the industry will be essential to maintain and enhance cybersecurity awareness in the book cataloging system industry.

What cybersecurity challenges do you see coming in the near future, and how do you plan to cope?

In the realm of book catalog systems, the integration of AI is poised to have a profound impact on cybersecurity. AI-driven attacks are expected to grow in sophistication, utilizing algorithms to automate breaches, while adversaries may exploit AI vulnerabilities to evade detection and gain access to sensitive data.

On the defensive front, AI will bolster security measures by enabling real-time analysis of data, facilitating swifter threat detection and response. AI-based authentication, leveraging behavioral biometrics, will undergo enhancement, thereby reducing the risks associated with unauthorized access. Furthermore, AI algorithms will play a pivotal role in fraud detection by scrutinizing transaction data and user behavior.

Moreover, Natural Language Processing (NLP) will contribute to identifying security vulnerabilities by analyzing unstructured data sources such as customer reviews. Complementing this, AI-driven security analytics platforms will aggregate and dissect security data, furnishing deeper insights into potential threats.

To effectively address these forthcoming challenges, our strategy entails investment in AI-driven security solutions and robust authentication methods. Moreover, prioritizing awareness and staying updated on AI-driven threats and defenses will be paramount. Collaboration with AI experts and maintaining continuous monitoring mechanisms are indispensable components of our approach to effective risk mitigation.

About the Author

About the Author

Over a decade spent helping affiliate blogs and cybersecurity companies increase revenue through conversion-focused content marketing and Digital PR linkbuilding.

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