Interview With Irena Hýsková - CEO of Thein Security

Shauli Zacks Shauli Zacks

SafetyDetectives recently had the opportunity to interview Irena Hýsková, the CEO of Thein Security, a Czech cybersecurity company. With over two decades of experience in senior management roles at major telecommunication operators, including Oskar, Vodafone, and O2, Irena brings a wealth of expertise to her current role. As CEO of Thein Security, she leads the execution of the company’s security strategy, oversees its Security Operations Center, and manages financial and operational matters, among other responsibilities. In the interview, Irena discusses Thein Security’s unique approach to cybersecurity, the importance of secure cloud adoption, strategies for securing distributed networks amidst the rise of remote work, and measures to bolster resilience against ransomware attacks. Additionally, she shares insights into promising trends and developments in the cybersecurity sector, highlighting areas such as cloud security, artificial intelligence for threat detection, and zero-trust security models as promising avenues for future investments.

Thank you for your time today. Can you talk about your background and role as CEO of Thein Security

Thank you for having me. As for my background, I have extensive experience in various senior management roles at major telecommunication operators. Over the past twenty years, I have held management positions at Oskar, Vodafone, and O2, including roles in financial, technical, and commercial divisions. After joining Thein in 2021, I was actively involved in establishing the Cyber Security division. Currently I hold the CEO position at Thein Security, where I am responsible for executing the security strategy, running the Security Operations Center, managing financial and operational matters, and defining the sales strategy.

What sets Thein Security apart in the cybersecurity landscape, and how do your comprehensive services address the evolving threats faced by organizations?

We help our customers minimize cyber threats. One of the points of difference for Thein Security is the fact we are a Czech company with engineers, architects and technicians who have many years of experience, passion for innovation and dedication to our customers. We have the three crucial elements in our team: heart, knowledge and drive. Because of this, we have achieved ISO 27001 and 9001 certifications successfully. Having these is like having a badge for reliability and knowledge. Another difference is that we partner with well-known companies, leaders in cybersec, whose products we test and approve before offering them to our clients. We built a product/ solutions portfolio to address the most frequest issues our customers could face in the cyberworld. From end point security, antiDDoS solutions, firewalls, awareness trainings to services provided by our Security Operation Center that runs 24/7/365, or as the customer needs. We keep ourselves informed and try to stay ahead.

As organizations increasingly adopt cloud services, what cybersecurity considerations should be top of mind in this transition?

Organizations transitioning to cloud services should prioritize secure data storage and transmission through encryption and access controls, compliance with industry regulations and standards, and implementation of authentication and authorization mechanisms. Additionally, they should establish robust monitoring and logging capabilities, thoroughly assess cloud service providers’ security measures, educate employees about security risks, securely integrate existing systems with cloud services, and have plans for continuity of operations and data recovery.

With the rise of remote work, what adjustments do organizations need to make in their cybersecurity approaches to secure distributed networks and remote access?

Everyone will tell you, make sure your WIFI is secured, transmission encrypted and employees cyber educated. Really, end point security and firewalls are a must. Your cyberspace is as secure as your employees are aware of what threats they might face. What I want to say is, get all the technical elements in your roganization to prevent cybersec threats but don´t forget your employees and keep the continuously trained and updated on what to look out for online. It takes one wrong click and your company´s reputation, data  or assets might be jeopardy. Implement strong authentication measures: Organizations should consider implementing multi-factor authentication to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the network remotely.

Encrypted communication, bear in mind that all communication between remote workers and the organization’s network should be encrypted to prevent eavesdropping and unauthorized access. Secure remote access solutions,  virtual private networks (VPNs) to ensure that remote workers can access the network securely. Network monitoring, means implementing robust network monitoring tools can help organizations identify and respond to potential security threats in real time. Access control, companies should implement strict access control measures to ensure that remote workers only have access to the resources they need to perform their job duties. And, last but not least, regular security audits that can help organizations identify potential vulnerabilities in their remote work setup and take proactive measures to address them.

Overall, organizations need to adopt a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity that takes into account the unique challenges of securing distributed networks and remote access. This may involve investing in new technologies, updating policies and procedures, and providing ongoing training and support for remote workers.

Given the prevalence of ransomware attacks, what strategies should organizations adopt to bolster their resilience and recovery capabilities?

To bolster resilience against ransomware attacks, organizations should regularly back up data securely, provide employee training on cybersecurity, implement robust cybersecurity measures, have an incident response plan, collaborate with law enforcement and cybersecurity experts, consider cyber insurance, and conduct regular security assessments. Sounds like a lot of effort, but it is worth it in the long run.

What trends or developments in the cybersecurity sector does Thein find particularly promising for future investments?

Thein Security finds trends such as cloud security, artificial intelligence for threat detection, and zero-trust security models particularly promising for future investments in the cybersecurity sector. We are also aware there are industries that need cybersecurity maybe more than others, like healthcare, banking, energy and fuel industries due to frequent attacks of late.

About the Author

About the Author

Shauli Zacks is a tech enthusiast who has reviewed and compared hundreds of programs in multiple niches, including cybersecurity, office and productivity tools, and parental control apps. He enjoys researching and understanding what features are important to the people using these tools.

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