How to Remove the Autorun Virus in 3 Simple Steps

Ana Jovanovic
Ana Jovanovic Editor
Updated on: July 19, 2024
Fact Checked by Kate Davidson
Ana Jovanovic Ana Jovanovic
Updated on: July 19, 2024 Editor

Short on time? Here’s how to remove the Autorun virus:

  • Preliminary Step. Remove the Autorun virus manually by deleting any corresponding files and folders.
  • 1. Scan Your Device. Run a full scan with a good antivirus program (Norton is the best).
  • 2. Remove the Autorun Virus. Once the scan is done, let the antivirus remove all instances of the Autorun.inf virus (and any other malware).
  • 3. Keep Your Device Protected. Keep a good-quality internet security app installed on your device (again, Norton is the best).

The Autorun virus exploits the Windows Autorun feature on Windows Vista and older. It’s designed to automatically run malicious software or open malicious files from connected devices like USB drives. When you plug in your infected USB drive, the virus can run without you knowing, spreading quickly and potentially compromising your computer.

USB drives can become infected with the Autorun virus in various ways — for example, by connecting them to an infected computer or downloading infected files or software and transferring those to the drive. Once an infected device is used on another computer with Autorun enabled, the virus executes and spreads the infection.

Fortunately, removing the Autorun virus is fairly simple, but not without guidance. Your first step should be to manually remove any traces of the virus from your USB drive. Then, you should run a full system scan with a good antivirus app (like Norton) to find and remove any lingering malware. Read on to find out how to remove this pesky virus in 3 simple steps.

Threat name Autorun virus
Threat type Worm, trojan
Devices affected Windows PCs, USB drives
Sources Infected external devices like USB drives, shared network drives, compromised download links
Symptoms Unexpected execution of programs, creation of “autorun.inf” files on connected drives, slower system performance, unauthorized access to files
Damage Potential data theft, unauthorized access to your PC, can facilitate further infections


Preliminary Step. Manually Remove the Autorun Virus

You can follow these steps to get rid of the virus without losing your data:

Method 1: Overwrite the Autorun.inf File

Windows prevents duplicate files with identical names and formats from existing in the same folder. You can use this to your advantage by creating a new file named autorun.inf, which will overwrite the malicious one. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Connect your USB drive. Plug your USB drive into your computer and open it to view the contents.
  2. Create a new file. Right-click inside the USB drive’s directory, select New, then Text Document. Name this new document “autorun.inf.”
  3. Replace the existing file. When you attempt to save this new document, Windows will prompt you to replace the existing autorun.inf file. Click Yes to overwrite the old file with your newly created, empty one.

Method 2: Use Command Prompt With Administrator Privileges

For a more comprehensive and effective solution against various types of malware, you can use the Command Prompt. Follow these steps to clean your USB drive using commands:

  1. Insert your USB drive. Connect the USB drive to your computer and take note of its drive letter (e.g. D:).
  2. Open an instance of Command Prompt as an administrator. Click on the search bar, type “cmd,” then right-click on it when it appears and select Run as administrator.
  3. Navigate to your USB drive. In the Command Prompt window, type your USB drive’s letter and press Enter to switch to the USB drive’s directory.
  4. Remove file attributes. Enter the following command (without quotations): “attrib -h -s -r -a *.*” and press Enter. This command removes hidden, system, read-only, and archive attributes from all files on the USB drive. Alternatively, you can target just the autorun.inf file with “attrib -h -s -r -a autorun.inf”.
  5. Delete the autorun.inf file. Finally, type “del autorun.inf” (without quotations) and press Enter to delete the malicious autorun.inf file from your USB drive.

Method 3: Uninstall Suspicious Apps

The Autorun virus on your device could be linked to recently installed programs. To address this issue, use the following method to eliminate the program from your device and get rid of the Autorun virus:

  1. Right-click on the Windows icon and select Settings > Apps > Apps & Features.
  2. Locate any suspicious application, click on it, and then select Uninstall.
  3. Confirm the action by clicking Uninstall again.
  4. After the app(s) are uninstalled, restart your computer.

By following these steps, you can effectively rid your USB drive of the autorun.inf virus and prevent it from executing malicious actions on your computer.

Step 1. Identify the Autorun Virus With Your Antivirus (and Don’t Make the Problem Worse!)

IMPORTANT: Do not connect your cell phone, tablet, or USB drive to a computer that might be infected. If you do, the virus could spread to these devices.

Step 1. Identify the Autorun Virus With Your Antivirus (and Don’t Make the Problem Worse!)

After you have downloaded and installed a reliable antivirus program like Norton, use it to run a full disk scan on your computer. Even if you suspect you know the source of the infection or the specific location of the suspicious file, a full disk scan is the best approach.

A full disk scan will find and isolate every copy of the Autorun virus. It will also check for other types of malware, like spyware, rootkits, or worms, that may be hidden in your system.

Remember: Let the full system scan complete. Do not stop the scan as soon as the virus appears on the infected file list. You can’t be sure how many copies of the virus are on your system.

The scan could take from a few minutes to over an hour, so be patient. Your antivirus program needs to check every file and process on your computer. When the scan is finished, the antivirus will identify and quarantine all instances of malware, including the Autorun virus.

You can now proceed to Step 2.

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Step 2. Remove the Autorun Virus and Delete Any Other Infected Files

Once your antivirus has identified and quarantined the Autorun virus, it will allow you to delete all compromised files. Advanced users might want to review these files for false positives before deleting them, but generally you can trust your antivirus software to make the right call. If a program like Norton flags a file as malware, it’s safer to remove it from your device.

Step 2. Remove the Autorun Virus and Delete Any Other Infected Files

After deleting the compromised files, restart your computer to ensure all changes take effect.

Once your computer restarts, run another full disk scan to confirm that all traces of the Autorun virus are gone. The second scan might be quicker since many antivirus programs, including Norton, can remember previously scanned files.

Let the antivirus finish the second scan. After it completes, review and delete any remaining infected files in quarantine. Your device should now be free of the Autorun virus.

Remember, even though you’ve removed the Autorun virus, many other malware threats could still infect your device, compromise your accounts, or spread through your network. Stay alert and keep your antivirus updated to protect against future threats.

Step 3. Keep Your Device from Getting Reinfected

By adopting good cybersecurity habits, you can lower your chances of another malware infection:

  • Keep Your OS and Software Updated. Hackers frequently exploit security vulnerabilities in outdated software and operating systems to gain unauthorized access to your computer. Regular updates and patches fix these vulnerabilities, providing a crucial defense against new and evolving threats. Keeping your system current ensures you benefit from the latest security enhancements and reduces the likelihood of cyberattacks.
  • Download a Reputable Antivirus Program. A solid antivirus program is your first line of defense against malware. Reputable antivirus software (like Norton) offers real-time protection, scanning for malicious activities and preventing malware from infecting your system. Features like malware scanning, firewall protection, and phishing detection are essential for maintaining a secure environment. Investing in reliable antivirus software helps detect and neutralize threats before they can cause harm.
  • Avoid Downloading Suspicious Files. Malware often hides in seemingly harmless files or software from untrustworthy sources. Downloading such files can introduce viruses or spyware into your system, compromising your data and privacy. Always be cautious and scan downloads with your antivirus program to ensure they are safe. This practice minimizes the risk of inadvertently installing malicious software.
  • Secure Your Wi-Fi Network and IoT Devices. An unsecured Wi-Fi network or poorly protected IoT devices can be an open door for hackers. Using strong, unique passwords and enabling network encryption (WPA3 or WPA2) makes it significantly harder for attackers to access your network. Regularly updating the firmware on your IoT devices also protects against known vulnerabilities, ensuring your entire home network remains secure.
  • Be Wary of Phishing Scams. Phishing scams are deceptive attempts to steal your personal information or install malware. These scams often masquerade as legitimate communications, tricking you into providing sensitive data or clicking malicious links. Staying vigilant and verifying the authenticity of emails, messages, and websites helps you avoid these traps, protecting your personal and financial information from cybercriminals.
  • Use Strong and Unique Passwords. Weak or reused passwords are a common entry point for cyberattacks. Strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts make it much harder for hackers to gain unauthorized access. Regularly changing your passwords and using a great password manager like 1Password to keep track of them enhances your overall online security, safeguarding your accounts from breaches.

3 Best Antivirus Programs for Removing the Autorun Virus

Quick summary of the best antiviruses for removing the Autorun virus:

  • 🥇 1. Norton — Best antivirus for detecting and removing the Autorun virus + perfect malware detection.
  • 🥈 2. Bitdefender — Good lightweight, cloud-based malware scanner with minimal performance impact.
  • 🥉 3. TotalAV — Simple & easy-to-use yet powerful antivirus software with useful features

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I disable the Autorun virus?

Disabling — or removing — the Autorun virus involves deleting any files responsible for it. The very first step should be overwriting the autorun.inf file with a blank document. You could also use the command line interface on Windows to clean any suspicious files.

Once that’s done, you’ll need to perform a full device scan with good antivirus software, like Norton. This will help you eradicate the Autorun virus along with any further malware from your computer — and it’ll keep it protected from further infection.

What does the Autorun virus do?

The Autorun virus exploits a feature on Windows Vista and older Windows operating systems by hijacking it to launch trojans. These trojans can then take full control over your system, log your keystrokes, install further malware, and perform many other harmful activities.

To protect yourself from the Autorun virus, it’s important to use a good antivirus program. Apps like Norton, Bitdefender, and TotalAV score very highly in malware detection rates. They’re the best options for removing the Autorun virus and keeping your PC safe from further infection.

Can Windows Defender remove the Autorun virus?

Unfortunately, no. Windows Defender on older versions of Windows isn’t as powerful as Windows Defender on Windows 10 or later. As a result, it won’t be able to identify and remove the Autorun virus.

You’ll have to first detect the Autorun virus using solid internet security software. Once the malware has been identified, you’ll then need to remove the Autorun virus from your PC.

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About the Author
Ana Jovanovic
Updated on: July 19, 2024

About the Author

Ana Jovanovic is an editor at SafetyDetectives. She has nearly a decade of experience editing, proofreading, fact-checking, and rewriting content for dozens of websites covering various topics, including two dedicated to antiviruses, VPNs, parental controls, and password managers. Prior to joining the SafetyDetective team, she led a team of SEO content editors working in several niches, including cybersecurity, finance, and technology. Ana has also worked in printed media and the book publishing industry as an editor and translator. When she's not working, she enjoys reading, cooking, and taking care of her plants — she has over a hundred of them!

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