Interview With Fabrice Bellingard - VP of Product at Sonar

Shauli Zacks
Shauli Zacks Content Editor
Shauli Zacks Shauli Zacks Content Editor

SafetyDetectives recently interviewed Fabrice Bellingard, the VP of Product at Sonar, delving into the key features of SonarLint, SonarQube, and SonarCloud. Bellingard, a pivotal figure since 2010, oversees product strategy and management, ensuring alignment with customer expectations. The interview explores Sonar’s flagship features, addressing challenges for CIOs and CISOs in prioritizing Clean Code, and emphasizes the role of automated code analysis in maintaining code security.  

Thank you for your time today, can you introduce yourself and talk about your role at Sonar?

Since 2010, I have helped developers deliver Clean Code with Sonar. As the VP of Products, I’m responsible for product strategy, management, UX and documentation for SonarLint, SonarQube and SonarCloud. With this, I work closely with the Heads of Product Management, Product UX and Product Delivery to ensure that we deliver products that our customers love while meeting our business objectives.

What are the flagship features offered by Sonar?

At Sonar, we aim to empower developers and organizations to systematically achieve a state of Clean Code — code that is consistent, intentional, adaptable, and responsible — so that all code is fit for development and production. By applying Sonar’s “Clean as You Code” methodology, organizations minimize risk, reduce technical debt, and derive more value from their software in a predictable and sustainable way.

Designed to detect and fix a wide range of code issues that can lead to bugs and security vulnerabilities, Sonar supports over 30 programming languages, frameworks, and infrastructure technologies, and offers 5,000+ coding rules for all aspects of Clean Code. Sonar detects issues in code that can reduce developer productivity, increase security risk, or provoke undesired behavior and unexpected downtime. Some examples of specific issues include SQL injection, cross-site scripting, secret detection, regex patterns, IaC misconfigurations, and cloud secrets.

The core elements of the Sonar solution are SonarLint, SonarQube, and SonarCloud:

  • SonarLint addresses coding issues in the editor/Integrated Development Environment (IDE) dynamically while code is being developed. The product acts as a first line of defense and provides the ability to discover and fix issues early, and in real-time before developers commit code.
  • SonarQube (self-managed offering) and SonarCloud (SaaS offering) are static analysis code review tools that easily integrate into the development CI/CD pipeline and DevOps platform to detect and help fix issues in the code while performing continuous inspections of projects. Using quality gates to determine if code meets the defined standards of quality, security, and reliability for production, SonarQube and SonarCloud inspect code for bugs, vulnerabilities, security hotspots, and code smells.

What are the key challenges CIOs and CISOs face in prioritizing Clean Code in their organizations?

Clean Code is the standard that organizations should embrace to ensure that their software continues to be an asset, not a liability. With software being the foundation for today’s business success, CIOs and CISOs must prioritize the development of Clean Code — code that leads to secure, reliable, and maintainable software, therefore, making it fit for purpose.

What CIOs and CISOs need to overcome to get their teams onboard with prioritizing Clean Code is the challenge of ensuring the right tools, time, and processes are embedded into the DevOps workflow. As the number of developers and lines of code multiplies, the space for issues to fall through the cracks is growing. Pressure to deliver is at an all-time high, and sacrificing quality in the name of new features has become a familiar topic of conversation. Developer productivity remains the focus, while technical debt is overlooked. This strategy may suffice in the short term but is not a long-term solution. Bad code and poor quality create fragility and risk in the codebase and ultimately leave developer team members feeling defeated if they’re forced to keep their focus on fixing mistakes. When all the right pieces are in place – tools, time, process –  developers can perform at their peak, overcome bad code, and create software that has lasting value.

Important to keep in mind too is how the challenge is made more complex with the growing adoption of AI-powered coding assistance. As AI-generated code gains popularity, it’s critical that security and technical leaders take a hard look at how their code is developed and ensure that at all phases their organization can ensure their software is secure.

What role does automated code analysis play in maintaining code security?

Automated code analysis removes the need for any manual, time-consuming configurations when it comes to analyzing code. It can be used to detect and analyze errors, flaws, and vulnerabilities in code that occur in software projects. In turn, this significantly reduces the cost of configuration, which has been a major roadblock for many project teams considering a Clean Code solution. Teams have the ability, as a result, to enable Clean Code solutions much quicker and begin proactively addressing hotspots and vulnerabilities before they become a problem. This ultimately leads to fewer security breaches and less downtime.

In addition, as automated code analysis is designed for developers it plays a positive role in educating them about the impacts of their code when it is not clean. This is valuable as it means security issues can be caught and addressed earlier on when developers are coding in the IDE instead of later in the development process when security teams come into play and then any issues they catch have to be remediated.

What are the common pitfalls in establishing a secure-by-design culture within development teams?

The “secure by design” movement is not a novel, new concept in the software development realm. However, with an increased focus on security and “shift left” in recent years, team leaders must think more broadly about software-induced business risk, inclusive of security and beyond. Developers are constantly spending precious time on remediation while applications are largely insecure and unreliable, making them a costly liability to the business. Further, new policy efforts around ‘Secure by Design’ in the US and the ‘EU Cyber Resilience Act’ are putting more onus on engineering teams to write code in a way that is both resilient and secure from the start. The aim is to shift the responsibility to the appropriate stakeholders rather than end-users who suffer the consequences of insecure software resulting from dirty code. Additionally, new rules seek to encourage the market to produce safer products and services while still fostering innovation.

While the legislative strategies aim to enhance security, it doesn’t guarantee an immediate fix or the eradication of attacks. Cybersecurity is constantly evolving, and while secure-by-design guidelines will certainly push for better security practices, it will take time to realize the full impact. To prepare, software companies must prioritize the development of high-quality software, which can be achieved by developing continuous Clean Code.

Organizations need to start embracing ‘secure by design’ at the beginning of the development process versus it being an afterthought. Integrating security considerations into every phase of the software development life cycle is essential, from initial design and coding to testing and deployment, to proactively identify and address security issues throughout the development process. By implementing security by design, organizations can build more robust, secure, and reliable applications from the outset, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities in the final product.

What are the best practices for maintaining code security in a remote or hybrid working environment?

From AI to contractors, in today’s hybrid workforce, an organization’s software code is coming from many different sources. Moreover, the humans involved are likely scattered across the globe with the continuing trend of remote work and outsourcing. As a practice, organizations should ensure they have the necessary assurances in place to “trust but verify” that their software foundation is rock solid and without vulnerabilities.

Software is only as strong, secure, and useful as the code behind it, and the risks can be meaningfully reduced by writing Clean Code. This also means that organizations need to verify they’re ready with the right solutions behind them to ensure code is continually analyzed and that code snippets can be refactored and adjusted as needed. Paired with a ‘Clean as You Code’ approach, this is the best way to keep up with increasing development speeds and a growing hybrid/remote workforce.

About the Author
Shauli Zacks
Shauli Zacks
Content Editor

About the Author

Shauli Zacks is a content editor at SafetyDetectives.

He has worked in the tech industry for over a decade as a writer and journalist. Shauli has interviewed executives from more than 350 companies to hear their stories, advice, and insights on industry trends. As a writer, he has conducted in-depth reviews and comparisons of VPNs, antivirus software, and parental control apps, offering advice both online and offline on which apps are best based on users' needs.

Shauli began his career as a journalist for his college newspaper, breaking stories about sports and campus news. After a brief stint in the online gaming industry, he joined a high-tech company and discovered his passion for online security. Leveraging his journalistic training, he researched not only his company’s software but also its competitors, gaining a unique perspective on what truly sets products apart.

He joined SafetyDetectives during the COVID years, finding that it allows him to combine his professional passions without being confined to focusing on a single product. This role provides him with the flexibility and freedom he craves, while helping others stay safe online.

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