Interview with Claus-Peter Beringer - eclipso Mail & Cloud

Karen Wilson Karen Wilson

Claus-Peter Beringer tells Safety Detective talks about how he set up an e-mail service provider based on his own ideas and concepts, and how their services are unique.

Please tell us about what eclipso Mail & Cloud does and how it started?

A few years ago I was (once again) looking for a new email provider. The providers I came across in my research could not meet my requirements. This is how the idea came about to set up an e-mail service based on my own ideas and concepts.

eclipso Mail & Cloud offers all the tools & apps you need for modern communication and organization. We consistently implement the principle of data minimization and data economy, as required by the EU-GDPR. Protection of privacy, security, data protection, transparency, customer orientation and meaningful applications are the cornerstones of our actions.

With eclipso Mail & Cloud you take care of all your written communication. In addition to our core product, e-mail, we also offer mail delivery for letters, a fax service and SMS delivery.

Photos, files, and documents are stored and shared in the eclipso cloud.

With eclipso Office you can manage your appointments in the calendar, record tasks, and notes, and bookmark your favorite websites (favorites) online.

What makes your products and services unique?

The combination of practiced data protection and the tools and services we offer makes the difference. With just one login and under one roof, our platform offers all the tools & apps you need for modern communication and organization.

We consistently follow the path of data protection and show that the collection and processing of data can also be limited to what is absolutely necessary. We have consistently implemented the principles of “data economy”, “data minimization” and “privacy by design”.

We have also thought of the “right to be forgotten”. Unused accounts and all stored data are automatically deleted after a specified period and are not processed for other purposes.

How popular are your online postal and online fax products? Do you foresee these products being relevant for a few years to come still?

With our core product e-mail and our value-added services post, SMS and fax, everything that arises in correspondence can be dealt with easily and conveniently online.

Especially in the last two years during the pandemic, we have seen increasing use of our value-added services as many people were working from home. Smaller companies are also increasingly using our services.

Of course we know that services like postal mail or fax have an expiry date. At the moment, however, the advantages are obvious. Central management of all correspondence, no unnecessary trips to the post office, no stamps, no unnecessary visits to the authorities.

For security reasons, some authorities block file attachments in e-mails, so it is sometimes necessary to send documents by letter.

Our postal service is also interesting for people who want to send letters from abroad to Germany or Europe quickly and easily.

By using our online services you can also do something good for the environment and positively influence your own carbon footprint.

Please tell us more about the eclipso academy?

With the eclipso Academy, we support educational institutions such as e-learning platforms, schools, high schools or other education centers in the implementation of further education and training offers.

As part of a cooperation, we provide server infrastructure and offer e.g. virtual classrooms. In the virtual classrooms, corresponding seminar or teaching content can be tried out in practice according to the instructions of the course leader. Theoretical training content can be imparted in a practical way.

 Please tell us anything else that you would like the audience to know.

Protection of privacy is a human right. So always remember:

  • Protecting your privacy comes before convenience or usability.
  • Your data belongs to you, nobody else.
  • Be careful who you entrust your personal information to.
  • Whenever possible, use alternatives to the large and well-known services (there is always at least one alternative!).
  • Be careful with your data and never reveal too much about yourself.

Even if you don’t seem to have anything to hide, there are definitely things you’d rather keep to yourself. Start protecting your privacy now.

About the Author

About the Author

Karen is a tech enthusiast with an unquenchable thirst for learning new things. She studied psychology and business management which aided in her previous career managing and developing people in a virtual environment. In her free time, you can find her outdoors appreciating nature, reading, or hanging out at home with her pets.

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