oneSafe Reviews 2024 – Why 7.4 Stars?

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Ranked 32nd out of 51 password managers
Ranked 32nd out of 51 password managers
Katarina Glamoslija
Katarina Glamoslija Lead Cybersecurity Editor
Updated on: July 19, 2024
Katarina Glamoslija
Katarina Glamoslija
Published on: July 19, 2024 Lead Cybersecurity Editor

oneSafe Review: Quick Expert Summary

oneSafe is a paid app available for Mac, Android and iOS, and advertises itself as “Fort Knox in your pocket.” But is the app really that secure? And what else does it bring to the table to justify its premium price tag?

I’ve reviewed nearly 70 password managers in my quest to give you the information you need to choose the program that’s right for you. Here I bring you my in-depth oneSafe review to help you figure out whether this one is worth your time and money. Read on for the results of my research and testing!

oneSafe Features

While oneSafe may not be free, for a reasonable price you’re getting an app that’s jam-packed with features.

The only thing keeping me from giving a 5/5 in this section of the oneSafe review is the fact that several of these useful features are limited to specific operating systems rather than included standard across all of their apps.

Password Encryption & Storage

Adding a password to oneSafe only takes a few seconds, and the AES-256 encryption and security precautions discussed below ensure that its next to impossible for a hacker to gain access to your sensitive information.

This allows you to create more secure passwords with the assurance that the login details are easily accessible for you and impenetrable for others.

Document Storage

In addition to providing a secure location for your passwords, oneSafe also provides storage for you to keep personal documents hidden and protected. This is a great option for those looking for an all-in-one solution for data protection, as it saves you the hassle of having to juggle more than one app—instead offering convenient access within one safe (hence the name!)

Cloud Backup & Sync

Included with your purchase of the oneSafe app is access to automatic cloud backup and syncing. When you first launch the app, you’ll be prompted to choose your desired cloud syncing program from CloudKit, iCloud Drive or DropBox, at which point your backups will be handled automatically with no further input required.

Of course, the app also gives you the option to only store the files locally, but with access to secure cloud storage for no additional charge, I don’t see a reason not to set that up!

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

Apple Watch App

As a companion app to the Mac and iOS utilities, oneSafe also offers an Apple Watch app. Adding a password to your watch is incredibly easy and can be done by tapping the entry on your phone or computer and selecting ‘Add to Apple Watch.’

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

This is a neat little perk that gives you access to your important information while on the go. I don’t see myself using it too often personally, but for those who want to ensure they have critical logins on hand even in the absence of their phone, it’s certain to be a welcome addition to oneSafe’s already impressive lineup of features.

I’m a little disappointed to not see support for any Android smart watches, but it seems pretty apparent that the developers are more interested in supporting Apple devices—one of the few flaws I have to point out with the company’s design philosophy as a whole.

Universal Spotlight Search

Another feature that’s only available on Mac and iOS is the universal Spotlight search.

Spotlight is the Apple-exclusive smart search tool, and oneSafe integrates with your device’s built-in search in order to easily locate passwords and files across your various Apple devices. This means that if you have passwords or files stored in the cloud, you’ll be able to easily access and download them on any of your devices. And with cloud syncing, you won’t have to worry about adding the files multiple times; if it’s in your oneSafe on your Mac, it’s in oneSafe on your iOS device.

Just navigate to the category you’d like to search and type your query into the search field to see all applicable entries.

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

Customizable Safe

Speaking of safes, the app is fully customizable in order to fit the layout and color scheme that you desire. This means that you can organize groups in the way that works for you, and mark different entries with different flags in order to easily tell at a glance where the relevant login information is located.

Many password managers have a specific way that they organize things by default with no option to adjust, but oneSafe puts the power in your hands and is fully adaptable to suit your needs.

Decoy Safe

One of the more unique features I’ve enjoyed from oneSafe is the Decoy Safe. This allows you to set up a fake safe with a fake password. If someone snooping on your device happens to enter the fake password, they’ll see only your decoy (filled with fake information) and your real details will be safe.

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

The reason the Decoy Safe is so powerful is that people will often stop looking for more information if they believe they’ve already “cracked the code” so to speak. By giving intruders the impression that they’ve broken through your security and accessed your personal information, they’re less likely to try to continue to access the real thing.

Password Generation

In the event that you’re signing up for a new service, or even if you’re just trying to make  your existing passwords more secure, the password generation tool included with the oneSafe app will be your best friend. By tapping the key icon as you add a new password, you can generate a long string of characters customized to suit your preferences and that’s guaranteed to keep your account protected.

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

Password Auto-Import

In another instance where features are Apple-exclusive, password auto-import from a CSV file is available on Mac only. With that said, for those using oneSafe on their computer this is sure to be an invaluable tool. While many users may be starting off with oneSafe as their first password manager, it’s always nice to have the option to import from other programs in the event that you already have a password management tool up and running.

Although the auto-import tool is only available on Mac, your passwords will pop up on your other devices as well provided you have cloud syncing on. This doesn’t much help those of us who don’t have a Mac computer laying around, but for those who can at least temporarily access one it’s a great tool to have on hand.

Form Autofill

Form autofill allows you to easily log into sites from your iOS web browser by taking the hassle out of copying and pasting details. Simply navigate to the login portal and select your saved oneSafe password from the suggestion at the top of your keyboard. Considering how long and complicated a password needs to be in order to stay secure, having this option to take the hassle out of remembering your login details is a definite plus.

Unfortunately, the form autofill feature is limited to iOS devices, leaving Android and Mac users forced to copy and paste the login information. I hope that the developers extend the feature to their other devices in the future as well, as it’s painful to go without when there are so many password managers on the market that include autofill as one of their core functions. In the meantime, those looking for a password manager app that has form autofill on Android may want to look into the ever-popular LastPass.

oneSafe Features Final Impressions

Simply put, oneSafe brings a lot to the table when it comes to features, both from a convenience and a security perspective. It’s rare that I see a password manager that manages to pack so much into the app without sacrificing their user experience, but oneSafe is the perfect example of that winning combination.

The only real complaint I have is that Android support seems to be lacking, with a lot of features exclusive to a single Apple platform.

oneSafe Plans & Pricing

Unfortunately, there’s no free version available for oneSafe. This is definitely a disappointment for those looking to cut costs, but on the other hand it also makes the pricing format very easy to understand. There’s a low, one-time fee in order to buy the app and then you have instant access to all the features that oneSafe brings to the table. If you’re looking for an excellent free alternative, I recommend taking a look at KeePass, LastPass, or DashLane – all of which have pretty good free versions.

The one main complaint I do have about the way the company prices their programs is that the Mac program is several times more expensive than the one for iOS. It’s not unusual to see programs costing less in mobile app stores since many customers find large mobile purchases hard to stomach, but it does start to get a little bit expensive if you end up purchasing both versions of the program. For that reason I had to dock a point in this section.

Overall, though, I’m very impressed with the value I got out of the mobile app purchase. As the Mac version has pretty much everything the mobile app brings to the table along with some extras, I think it’s possible to justify the cost for that platform as well.

oneSafe Ease of Use & Setup

With oneSafe, it was very easy to get things up and running. As soon as I downloaded the app, I was walked through the process of setting my master password and deciding where I’d like to store my cloud backups.

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

Each feature had a mini tutorial that taught me how to use it, leaving me fully acquainted with all of the different parts of the app within just a couple of minutes.

On the home screen, you’ll see a list of default categories that the app suggests using in order to sort your various passwords and information such as Computer, Wallet, Work and Document. From this screen you can press the ‘+’ icon in the top right corner in order to add your own categories, or the pencil in the top left corner in order to edit those that are already there.

Adding a Password

If you’d like to add a password, that’s as easy as tapping the appropriate category and then hitting the ‘+’ icon within the sub menu. On this screen you’ll also have the ability to search your device and cloud for any existing information that you’d like to add.

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

On the next screen you’ll be able to choose a template, use your camera to scan a card or take a photo, or import items from your Photos or Files. oneSafe gives you a lot of options, but it’s not difficult to understand them at all.

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

There’s really nothing complicated about the app, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have some seriously useful features hiding below the surface. One of the ones I found most useful was the ability to scan a card in order to enter my information. It’s a neat piece of tech that saves me some typing and is a great way to quickly enter financial details.

I also found the Favorites option at the bottom of the screen to be quite useful, as it allowed me to “star” the passwords that are most important or used most often so that I have them all together within one screen while still keeping them in their appropriate categories for better organization.

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

Ultimately, I don’t have anything negative to say about the setup process or ease of use at all. oneSafe knocked it out of the park in this section.

oneSafe Security

oneSafe checks pretty much every box when it comes to security, with most of the standard features I’ve come to expect from password managers as well as some unique utilities like the Decoy Safe discussed above and the Self-Destruct feature that’ll wipe your database clean in the event someone enters the password wrong a certain number of times.

AES-256 encryption keeps your information safe from prying eyes, and during setup you’re given your choice of how you’d like to access your account when you open the app. All the usual suspects are there such as a master password, PIN and biometric authentication, but one of the most impressive security features I noticed was the unique Tri-Pin feature. Take a look at the image below for an idea of how it works.

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

Essentially, there are the 0-9 numbers like you’d use in a traditional PIN, but each number also has an associated symbol and color. When you select the button you’d like to use, a menu opens that allows you to choose whether you’d like to use the number, the color, or the symbol that’s currently on that location. Each time, the combination of numbers, colors, and symbols will jumble, making a PIN with a combination of all three very secure.

It sounds complicated, but in action it’s a very smooth and fluid solution to creating a login that’s more secure than a traditional PIN and easier to remember than a complicated master password.

As discussed above, cloud backup comes standard when you purchase the app, making it easy to keep your data synced and stored safely—even if you lose your device.

The main reason that I wasn’t able to give the app a 5/5 in this section of the oneSafe review is due to the fact that two-factor authentication doesn’t appear to be available. Other than that, I feel that the app did a great job with its implementation of security features and am confident that it’ll keep any sensitive info protected.

oneSafe Customer Support

My experience with oneSafe customer support was a bit of a mixed bag. The only options to contact the app developers for help is through the report a bug feature on iOS or email support. Since I was on my iPhone. I tried to use the report a bug option, but received an error that my device is not set up to send emails (which is obviously false). I ended up emailing customer support and didn’t get an email back for almost 5 days, which is certainly slower than a lot of oneSafe’s competitors.

Lead Cybersecurity Editor

The reason that I did give a 3/5 in this section of my oneSafe review is the FAQ section. There’s a lot of information online that makes it easy to solve any of your issues, usually eliminating the need to contact support in the first place. With that said, the process to contact support when I actually did need them was buggy and sluggish.

oneSafe’s is so user-friendly and there are plenty of available online resources that make setup straightforward, but you might find yourself waiting a long time if you need additional assistance.

The Refund Process

Because oneSafe is an app and purchased through either the App Store or Google Play Store, you’ll have to follow that platform’s guidelines for getting your money back in the event that you’re unhappy with what oneSafe brings to the table

. Getting a refund is probably a little easier on the Play Store since there’s an automated way to do so whereas you have to contact customer support in the App Store to have the case manually reviewed. Either way you shouldn’t have too much of an issue getting your money back provided you purchased recently.

oneSafe Products & Pricing

For Android
$0.99 / lifetime
Free Trial
For iOS
$4.99 / lifetime
Free Trial
For Mac
$19.99 / lifetime
Free Trial
Bottom Line

Overall, I was very impressed with oneSafe. It was easy to understand and adding passwords was a cinch with a feature-rich app that offers an all-in-one solution for your password management needs.

While it’s a little bit disappointing that it took so long to hear back from customer support and that you don’t have the option for form autofill outside of iOS devices, I still feel like the app is strong enough to warrant a 4.5/5 review. You won’t regret your purchase!

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About the Author
Katarina Glamoslija
Katarina Glamoslija
Lead Cybersecurity Editor

About the Author

Katarina Glamoslija is Lead Cybersecurity Editor at SafetyDetectives. She has more than a decade of experience researching, testing, and reviewing cybersecurity products and investigating best practices for online safety and data protection. Before joining SafetyDetectives, she led several tech websites, including one about antiviruses and another about VPNs. She also worked as a freelance writer and editor for tech, medical, and business publications. When she’s not a “Safety Detective”, she can be found traveling (and writing about it on her small travel blog), playing with her cats, and binge-watching crime dramas.

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