Enpass Review 2024: Is It Really a Good Password Manager?

Our Score
Ranked 15th out of 51 password managers
Ranked 15th out of 51 password managers
Kate Davidson
Kate Davidson Chief Editor
Updated on: July 16, 2024
Fact Checked by Hazel Shaw
Kate Davidson
Kate Davidson
Published on: July 16, 2024 Chief Editor

Enpass Review: Quick Expert Summary

Enpass is a fully offline password manager that offers a completely free desktop version for Windows, macOS, and Linux users. The free version includes unlimited password storage and all of Enpass’s features except breach monitoring and identification of accounts that support 2FA.

Enpass handles the basics of password management well, and it includes features like:

  • Unlimited password vaults.
  • Password generator.
  • Auto-save and auto-fill.
  • Password sharing.
  • Password auditing.
  • TOTP (time-based one-time password) code generator.
  • Biometric logins (mobiles + supported computers).

It’s great that Enpass users can create as many vaults as they want, which makes it very easy to organize all logins and other data. I also think Enpass’s password generator is good, and the auto-save and auto-fill worked well — although the auto-fill includes a couple of unnecessary steps to work. Enpass’s password auditing feature is also pretty good, but other password managers have more advanced password analysis features.

However, Enpass has a few downsides. First, a lot of the features are difficult to set up and use (including the Keyfile which is supposed to be an alternative to two-factor authentication). Second, because Enpass is an offline password manager, users need to sync via Wi-Fi or subscribe to a third-party cloud service to be able to back up and sync passwords across devices. Top competitors like 1Password, on the other hand, offer easy device syncing, intuitive and secure password sharing, and multiple 2FA options.

Overall, there are many better password managers on the market. But considering that Enpass’s desktop version is free and that the premium subscriptions are pretty affordable (there’s also a lifetime subscription that’s cheaper than most competitors’ yearly plans), you may want to give it a try.

🏅 Overall Rank #15 out of 51 password managers
🔐 Encryption 256-bit AES
🎁 Free Plan Unlimited passwords (desktop); 25 passwords (mobile)
💸 Starting Price $1.99 / month
💰 Money-Back Guarantee 30 days
📀 Operating Systems Windows, Android, Mac, iOS, Linux

Visit Enpass

Enpass Full Review

Enpass Full Review

Enpass is a decent offline password manager, but it lacks a lot of features that can be found in some of the best password managers on the market. It handles basic password management functions well and has some useful features, but it’s complicated to set up and you can only sync passwords across devices via a shared Wi-Fi network or a third-party service, which will be a downside for many users.

Enpass’s free version comes with every feature except the breach monitoring and 2FA identification, and it restricts you to 25 passwords on mobile. The premium version offers all features and unlimited passwords across desktop and mobile and is very affordable for both individuals and families. There’s also a lifetime purchase option that is undoubtedly a good value.

Save 25% on Enpass Family Plan!
You can save 25% if you act right now.

Enpass Security Features

Enpass Security Features

Enpass uses industry-standard AES 256-bit encryption. This is one of the most secure and advanced encryption methods available, used by governments and banks around the world to protect their data.

Unlike password managers that store user data in the cloud, Enpass is a fully offline password manager. This means that user data is saved locally, on your device, and not on Enpass’s servers. Offline password managers are generally considered very secure because your data never leaves your device, but they have one downside — they don’t back up or sync passwords. Enpass has come up with 3 solutions to this problem. To back up all of your data and sync all of your passwords across your devices, you can:

  • Download a portable version of Enpass — access your password vault on any Windows, macOS, or Linux device via a USB stick.
  • Use a third-party cloud service provider — some of the supported providers include Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, and OneDrive.
  • Sync via Wi-Fi — connect your devices to the same Wi-Fi network to sync your data.

While there are ways to back up and sync data, they may be confusing for non-technical users. Plus, users may need to pay an additional subscription fee for cloud services. Top competitors like Dashlane or LastPass automatically sync user data across all devices, and there are also password managers like 1Password and Sticky Password that let you choose whether you want to store your data locally or on the company’s secure servers.

Unlike the best password managers, Enpass doesn’t offer regular 2FA. However, it does let you create a “Keyfile”, a file on your computer with an encryption key that is used as a second factor of authentication to log into your Enpass vault. It also offers biometric authentication options for both Windows and Mac devices that support biometrics. Biometric logins are also supported on mobile devices.

Overall, Enpass is pretty secure, but it needs some improvement. I’d like to see Enpass add regular 2FA and integrate its own cloud storage option instead of asking users to choose a third-party option — which would likely confuse many non-technical users. However, for a password manager with a totally free desktop version, I think Enpass is ok.

Password Vaults

Enpass Security Features

Enpass’s password vaults securely store your passwords and other sensitive information — including credit card details, bank account information, insurance policies, ID cards, driver’s licenses, and lots more.

By default, Enpass stores all of your data in a primary vault that is created upon installation. However, it lets users create an unlimited number of vaults — great for organizing and sharing data with other Enpass users.

Creating vaults is pretty simple. All you have to do is click on the vaults logo on the top of the display and select Create New. You can also go to Settings, click on Vaults, and click on the “+” button at the top right corner.

Enpass Security Features

When you create a new vault, you need to set up a password to encrypt the data in the vault (just like a master password). While this does add another layer of security to each password vault, I haven’t seen many competing password managers require users to set new passwords for separate vaults. For example, 1Password allows you to create and share multiple vaults with other users without setting passwords for specific vaults.

Once you’re done setting up your Enpass vaults, you can start adding information to each vault. There is a wide range of categories for organizing user data — including Login, Credit Card, Identity, Note, Password, Finance, License, Travel, Computer, and Miscellaneous. Some of these categories have subcategories as well. For example, when you choose Finance, you can add a bank account, insurance policy, loan/mortgage, mutual fund, stock investment, or other finance info. You can also use Enpass to store important documents, as it allows file uploads (up to a maximum 5 MB per file).

When adding a new login, you can choose from a very long list of websites, like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Wikipedia, and many others. If the site you’re looking for isn’t on the list, you can add it manually, customizing the entry based on your needs. For example, you can add, remove, or rearrange fields, select different icons, and add tags and notes.

Enpass Security Features

Enpass also lets you create an unlimited number of identities. The default sections include personal information, home address, contact details, work details, work address, social, and additional details, but you can also add as many fields as you like. I think it’s really cool that you can add as much information about yourself as you want, but I prefer RoboForm’s approach — a wide range of pre-made templates in addition to one customizable template.

Overall, creating, accessing, and customizing Enpass vaults is very simple. I think it’s really cool that Enpass gives users complete freedom over how they will organize passwords and other data, and I like that users have to set up passwords for each new vault — although this can be a bit inconvenient for users with plenty of vaults.


Enpass’s Keyfile is an optional feature that can be used as a second factor of authentication when logging into your Enpass account. The Keyfile is a file with an encryption key that you can generate when adding or changing your master password. This file is saved on your computer, and each time you want to log into your Enpass account, you have to type in your master password and open the Keyfile from your computer.

While some users may appreciate the Keyfile, I found it to be too difficult to access and use. Here’s what I had to do to set up the Keyfile:

  • Go to Settings, choose Security, select Change master password.
  • Enter the master password, click on Continue.
  • Click Advanced at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click Generate Keyfile, and then save the file on my PC.
  • Enter the master password in the Enter new password and Confirm new password fields (I don’t understand why this step is necessary — I didn’t change my master password!)
  • Click Done.

Enpass Security Features

Note you won’t be able to log into your Enpass account if you lose your master password or Keyfile. Unlike some password managers like LastPass which have multiple recovery options, Enpass doesn’t provide a way to recover your data. Instead, you’d need to reset your Enpass account — which means the loss of all your data.

Overall, I don’t think that Enpass’s Keyfile is a good enough alternative to 2FA. Because users choose where to save the Keyfile on their computer, it can easily get lost or stolen (anyone with access to your computer also has access to the Keyfile). Plus, the Keyfile isn’t as easy to set up and use as regular 2FA — I’m not sure that most users will understand what the Keyfile is or know how to access its settings.

Overall, I’d really like to see Enpass include 2FA in its offering — all of the best password managers offer it. That said, Enpass’s Keyfile does function as a second factor — I just don’t think this solution can compete with traditional 2FA in terms of security, convenience, or ease of use.


Enpass lets users share both individual entries and vaults — even on the free plan! This is great, as most password managers restrict sharing in their free versions, hoping that the users will pay for an upgrade.

As soon as I selected an item to share, Enpass displayed this message:

Enpass Security Features

As suggested, I went to Advanced Settings and found out that Pre-Shared Keys (PSK) are passwords that you can either create or generate using Enpass’s password generator (the default option is to generate easily pronounceable passphrases). I needed to create one for every person I wanted to share passwords with. Then, I had to share the PSK with them so they could use it for accessing the data I shared with them.

Enpass Security Features

Once I set up my PSKs, I completed my password sharing test, and everything went very well. I like how the provider enables the Encrypt with PSK option by default and how you also can’t disable it — so you can’t accidentally share unsecured information with someone.

If you want to share a vault with someone, you can do it via your cloud service. However, keep in mind that you need to give the other user the login details of the cloud service as well as the password vault. Also, because vault sharing isn’t done through Enpass, there’s no way to actually set up permissions — the person you’re sharing the vault with can do whatever they want with the passwords! This is really poor — 1Password by comparison lets you set various permission levels when you share your vaults, and there’s no third-party service involved.

Honestly, I think Enpass’s sharing feature could use improvement. Generating Pre-Shared Keys for each person you want to share a password with (and then sending them the key!), and sharing cloud service logins for vault sharing is really inconvenient.

If you’re looking to share passwords with other users, there are tons of better options than Enpass. I recommend 1Password or Dashlane, but many other competitors also have decent sharing options.

Auto-fill & Auto-save

To auto-fill and auto-save passwords, users need to install Enpass’s browser extension — which is available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, and Brave.

The Enpass browser extension is pretty minimalistic, showing user logins, favorites, credit cards, and identities. There’s also a password generator and a search bar for quickly finding the logins you need.

Accessing a login is very easy, as you only need to double-click it to open the site. After that, just select the right login details from a dropdown menu, and Enpass will auto-fill them for you. This always worked pretty well in my tests, and I never experienced any issues.

Enpass Security Features

The auto-save works well too — each time I’d log into a website that wasn’t already in my vault, an option to Add to Enpass would pop up, and the item would be auto-saved to my vault.

When you set up a new account, Enpass’s password generator will a strong password for you. And once you’ve filled in your new account details, Enpass will automatically prompt you to save them to your vault.

Overall, Enpass’s auto-fill and auto-save features worked well during my tests, and it’s also pretty easy to use. And I also like how Enpass auto-save passwords.

Password Audit & Password Generator

Enpass Security Features

Enpass alerts you to breached, compromised, identical, weak, and expired passwords, and lets you know if you have inactive 2FA on any 2FA-supported accounts. The breach monitoring and 2FA alerts are only available to Enpass Premium users, but free users get the basic audit. In my tests, I discovered one of my passwords was weak, one was compromised, and 2 had inactive 2FA. In each case, when I clicked on the account, I got details of the current password and a link to go and change my login details for that account.

Enpass uses the Have I Been Pwned database to check if data has been compromised in a breach. If it does find a breach, you get information on the date of the breach, the types of info that were breached, and a link to further information. This is pretty good — RoboForm, for example, doesn’t give you any details about the breaches it finds.

That said, Enpass’s security monitoring features are still fairly basic — especially when compared to 1Password’s Watchtower or LastPass’s Security Challenge, which both give you an overall security score and advice on how to improve it. But it is great to see that Enpass includes some security tools with its free desktop version, as not all password managers offer password auditing — even with their paid versions.

After I audited all of my passwords, it was time to change them using Enpass’s password generator. I could choose whether I wanted to generate pronounceable passwords (passphrases) or passwords that included symbols in addition to letters and numbers. Pronounceable passwords can contain up to 15 words (the default length is 6 words), whereas passwords that aren’t easily pronounceable can contain 4-100 characters (with a default of 20).

Users who additionally want to customize their passwords can choose to separate passphrases with underscores, spaces, periods, hyphens, hashes, dollars, or commas. For passwords that aren’t pronounceable, users can choose to include or exclude certain characters. I really like this range of options — top competitors like RoboForm don’t generate passphrases at all, let alone allowing you to choose how you separate the words in a passphrase.

Enpass Security Features

I was really impressed with Enpass’s password generator. It’s user-friendly, has a lot of customization options (including creating passphrases up to 15 words long), and it makes it simple to generate strong and random passwords.

TOTP Generator

Enpass’s TOTP (time-based one-time passwords) generator is a 2FA code generator for specific logins (instead of applications such as Authy or Google Authenticator). The TOTP generator stores and generates 2FA codes that expire every 30 seconds for websites that support 2FA.

Setting up the TOTP generator is easy both on the desktop and mobile apps. On desktop, all you have to do is add a one-time password to an entry (login entries have this field by default, but you can add custom fields to other entries). On mobile, you simply need to scan a QR code.

Enpass Security Features

Once set up, the TOTP generator worked fine on both my desktop and smartphone, although I found it a bit easier to use on mobile. I also liked that I could see the TOTP for my logins in my Apple Watch.

The TOTP generator is much simpler to understand and use than many other Enpass features. I like how easy it is to set up and access the TOTP generator, especially on mobile devices. Overall, while it’s not a unique feature (1Password and RoboForm also offer TOTP generators), it’s a pretty cool extra that most users will appreciate.

Enpass Plans & Pricing

Enpass offers a free desktop version, a limited free version for mobile, and 3 premium options. Unlike most password managers which limit the functionality of their free plans, Enpass’s free plan provides desktop users with everything except breach monitoring and identification of 2FA-supported logins. Mobile users can also use Enpass for free — but they can only store up to 25 passwords, which isn’t enough for most users.

Enpass has paid subscriptions and one-off payment options, and there’s also a 30-day money-back guarantee. Here’s what you get with every Enpass plan:

Lite Free Premium Individual Plan Premium Family Plan Premium Lifetime Plan
Platforms Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, Chrome OS, Linux Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, Chrome OS, Linux Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, Chrome OS, Linux Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, Chrome OS, Linux
Number of licenses 1 1 6 1
Price Free $1.99 / month $2.99 / month $99.99 / lifetime
Unlimited devices
Unlimited passwords
(unlimited on desktop, 25 on mobile)
Unlimited vaults
(unlimited on desktop, 1 on mobile)
Account recovery
Password sharing
Auto-fill and auto-save
Password security audit
TOTP generator
Biometric login
Smartwatch compatibility
Lifetime license
2FA site identification
Breach monitoring

Enpass Lite Free Plan — Unlimited Local Password Storage on Desktop

Enpass’s free version includes:

  • Unlimited password storage on desktop (25 password limit on mobile).
  • Unlimited vaults on desktop (1 vault on mobile).
  • Password & data sharing.
  • Password generator.
  • Auto-fill & auto-save (browser extension).
  • Third-party cloud service connectivity.
  • Biometric login.
  • Smartwatch compatibility.
  • Password security audit.
  • TOTP generator.

You get the free version on all devices, and I think it’s really cool that free desktop users get access to the vast majority of features — only the breach monitoring and identification of 2FA-compatible sites are premium only. On mobile, the free plan is more limited. A 25-password limit won’t be enough for most users, and all the best free password managers offer an option for unlimited passwords on mobile.

Overall, Enpass is a pretty basic password manager, and there are better free products on the market, including RoboForm Free, which allows unlimited passwords, secure password sharing, bookmark saving, password auditing, and more. There’s also LastPass’s free plan that includes basic 2FA, or Dashlane’s free plan that comes with data breach monitoring and more. On the other hand, they all have some limitations on their free plans (for example, RoboForm only lets you use 1 device, Dashlane only lets you use 1 device and store up to 25 passwords, and LastPass makes you choose between mobile or desktop devices).

Enpass Premium — Unlimited Storage and Devices

This plan is offered as an annual or lifetime subscription. It includes everything in the free plan, plus:

  • Unlimited password storage (desktop and mobile).
  • Unlimited vaults for your data (desktop and mobile).
  • Breach monitoring.
  • Identification of 2FA-supported sites.

While the annual plan is reasonably priced at $1.99 / month, the lifetime subscription has the best value — at $99.99 / lifetime, it’s the same price as most competitors’ yearly plans. There’s also a family plan which is the same as the individual plan, but it adds up to 6 users for $2.99 / month.

Enpass Ease of Use & Setup

Installing Enpass is pretty simple — downloading and setting up the password manager doesn’t take more than a couple of minutes. After I installed Enpass, I had to create a new account and set up a master password. I chose a somewhat weak master password, and Enpass warned me that the password I typed in wasn’t strong enough. However, I was surprised that Enpass still accepted the weak password despite the warning.

During the setup process, I was offered to install a browser extension. I installed it on my Chrome browser, and when I typed in my master password to open the extension, Enpass opened a new window with an authentication code. Once I typed in the authentication code, the browser extension was fully set up. I could easily access my passwords, vaults, and the password generator from the extension.

Enpass Ease of Use & Setup

When the desktop app and browser extension were all set up, I imported my passwords. It took me a couple of minutes to locate the import options (open Menu, go to File, click on Import), but once I found them, it was pretty easy to import my passwords into Enpass. Enpass supports importing data from a wide range of password managers, including 1Password, Bitwarden, Keepass, and many more. You can also import your passwords from Chrome or a pre-formatted CSV file.

Enpass Ease of Use & Setup

Next, I wanted to sync my data across multiple devices — since Enpass is an offline password manager, I had to either sync via my Wi-Fi network or use a third-party cloud service. I tested both methods, and each was pretty simple and took only a couple of minutes. However, while I had no problems syncing my passwords, I think some non-technical users may struggle with it.

Non-technical users may also struggle with secure password sharing and setting up Enpass’s Keyfile — I had to use Enpass’s FAQ to figure out how these features work, and it took me some time to understand how to properly set them up.

Overall, some of Enpass’s features are easy to use… and some aren’t. Installing the password manager, importing passwords, and getting around the vault is simple. However, syncing data across devices, sharing passwords, and setting up the Keyfile isn’t. Enpass isn’t as intuitive as Dashlane or 1Password, but if you don’t mind exploring its settings and reading its knowledge base until you figure out how everything works, then Enpass could be ok for you.

Enpass Mobile App

Enpass’s mobile app is available for both iOS and Android. The apps are easy to install — all you have to do is download the app from the Google Play Store or Apple Store, create an account (or log into an existing one), adjust a couple of settings, and you’re good to go.

Enpass’s mobile app supports biometric logins, meaning you can log into your account using Face or Touch ID — no master password is required! As for the other features, most of them are the same as in the Enpass desktop app. The categories are the same, and you can customize your entries.

Enpass Mobile App

During my tests, Enpass’s auto-save and auto-fill options worked well, and setting up the TOTP generator was even easier than on desktop — I only had to scan a QR code!

I also like that Enpass’s mobile app is compatible with Apple Watch as well as Android Watch. I found this feature quite convenient as it let me quickly access logins and credit card information via my Apple Watch. I also think it’s pretty cool that you don’t have to use a master password on a smartwatch — instead, you can just set up a 4-digit access code.

Overall, the Enpass mobile app is more intuitive and easier to use than the desktop version. While it’s not as intuitive as something streamlined like 1Password, all of Enpass’s features are included in the app and they all work well.

Enpass Customer Support

Enpass offers 4 customer support options — a community forum, email support, a knowledge base, and product guides.

The Enpass support forum is pretty good, with an active community and attentive staff. I discovered detailed answers to my inquiries simply by exploring the forum. When I registered and posed a question to gauge responsiveness, I got a detailed and useful reply in roughly 7 hours, which is fairly fast for a forum.

The support team at Enpass replied to my email in roughly 7 hours — an acceptable response time. Nevertheless, the email support team at 1Password is faster, frequently replying within a span of 2-3 hours.

Enpass Customer Support

The Enpass website features a detailed user guide and an excellent knowledge base. Both resources are extremely useful for understanding and setting up the various features of Enpass.

There’s no live chat like you get with Dashlane or Keeper, but this is a really unusual feature in a password manager, so I wouldn’t expect it anyway.

Overall, I found Enpass’s customer support to be pretty good. I was able to locate all the information I needed in the knowledge base and user guides, and I was pretty happy with the email and forum support too.

What Enpass Can Do Better

Enpass is a pretty decent password manager, but some things could be better. The password manager uses industry-standard AES 256-bit encryption, ensuring top-notch security. However, unlike many password managers, Enpass is fully offline, storing user data locally on devices rather than in the cloud. Enpass offers solutions like portable versions, third-party cloud syncing, and Wi-Fi sync, but I find these options less intuitive and would like to see it add cloud sync like 1Password or Dashlane — even if it’s optional.

Enpass uses its own unique Keyfile system for two-factor authentication, but this method is less straightforward than regular 2FA options. I would like to see Enpass include more conventional 2FA methods.

The password vault in Enpass allows for unlimited storage and multiple vaults, which is great for organization. However, it’s not very intuitive, and I much prefer the way 1Password handles this feature.

Password sharing in Enpass is flexible, allowing both individual entries and entire vaults to be shared. While this feature is better than many competitors, the process, especially for vault sharing through a cloud service, is pretty tricky. Enpass can definitely benefit from adding an easier sharing process.

Enpass’s approach to password management, focusing on security and affordability, is good, but improvements in its user interface, 2FA options, and simplifying the sharing process would make it more user-friendly​.

Is Enpass Worth Using in 2024?

Enpass is a decent password manager, but it’s nowhere near as good as the best password managers in 2024.

That said, Enpass offers a free desktop version with very few limitations, includes a solid range of features, and has reasonably priced premium plans, including a lifetime subscription that is cheaper than most competitors’ annual plans.

Enpass also provides a decent range of features, including unlimited password storage, unlimited password vaults, a password generator, password sharing, auto-save and auto-fill, breach monitoring, a TOTP generator, and password auditing. I like that I could create as many vaults as I wanted, which made it very easy for me to organize all of my passwords. I also think Enpass’s password generator is pretty good, the auto-save and auto-fill features worked well during my tests, and I appreciate that there’s password auditing and breach monitoring.

However, Enpass doesn’t have traditional 2FA, but instead uses a Keyfile as a second form of verification. This solution is far from ideal — setting up the Keyfile is difficult and anyone with access to your computer can access the Keyfile.

Also, Enpass is a fully offline password manager, which means that you need to use a third-party cloud service provider or your home Wi-Fi network to sync your data across all devices. While offline password managers are very secure, having to subscribe to cloud services or sync via Wi-Fi to access all of your data on all of your devices is a hassle.

However, I think 1Password, Dashlane, and LastPass are much better options — they include more features and are easier to use. However, if you just want a basic, cost-effective password manager and are ok with navigating complicated settings, Enpass is fine. Plus, Enpass’s desktop version is free, and there’s also a free mobile version (although limited), so you can try it out risk-free and see if it’s right for you.

If there’s something we haven’t covered in our Enpass review that you’re curious about, send us a message — we’ll be happy to carry out extra tests and answer any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Enpass have a free version?

Yes. Enpass has a really good free desktop version — users get access to every feature except the breach monitoring and the 2FA account identification.

Enpass also has a free mobile version that allows you to store up to 25 passwords — but that’s not really enough for most users. If you’re looking for a free password manager for your phone, LastPass is a better option, as it comes with unlimited password storage on unlimited devices (but you have to choose between desktop and mobile devices).

Can I recover my Enpass account?

No. You can’t recover your Enpass account if you lose either your master password or your Keyfile — which is used as a second factor of verification, although it’s not as secure or intuitive as regular two-factor authentication (2FA).

If you lose your master password or your Keyfile, you need to reset your Enpass account — just remember that doing this means all of your data will be lost. If you’re looking for a password manager with multiple recovery options, LastPass is a good choice.

Can I share passwords from my Enpass database with other people?

Yes. Enpass allows unlimited sharing of individual items or vaults. However, when sharing passwords through Enpass, you need to create PSK (Pre-Shared Keys) and share them with the recipients, as the PSKs will encrypt and decrypt your logins. And if you want to share a vault, you need to have access to cloud services and share your cloud service login and vault password with the person you’re sharing the vault with.

To be honest, I think the best password managers in 2024 all have better, more secure password sharing features than Enpass.

Does Enpass work on smartwatches?

Yes. Enpass can be used on both the Apple Watch and Android Watch.Enpass pairs with your smartwatch via bluetooth, so you can access your data — like credit card PINs, passwords, and more — without having to reach for your phone. The smartwatch app also has built-in security features to protect data if your smartwatch is lost or stolen.

Not many password managers offer smartwatch compatibility, so it’s great that Enpass has options for both iOS and Android users — even with its free version of the mobile app.

Enpass Products & Pricing

$0.00 / year
Individual Plan
$1.99 / month
Family Plan
$2.99 / month
Bottom Line

Enpass is a decent offline password manager with a full-featured free desktop version. It handles the basics well — including importing, generating, saving, and filling passwords. However, Enpass has some serious downsides — there’s no 2FA, and you need to subscribe to a third-party cloud service or use your Wi-Fi network to sync data across devices. However, Enpass provides access to most of its features in the free desktop app, and the premium subscriptions are pretty affordable. There’s also a lifetime subscription which is cheaper than some competitors’ annual plans.

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About the Author
Kate Davidson
Kate Davidson
Chief Editor

About the Author

Kate Davidson is a Chief Editor at SafetyDetectives. She has many years of experience as a journalist and communications professional, and has worked for media organizations, government agencies, and NGOs in multiple countries. Kate has always had a deep interest in cybersecurity, which has — together with her passion for crafting quality content — allowed her to bring complex topics about antiviruses, password managers, VPNs, and overall online security closer to our readers. In her spare time, Kate enjoys spending time with her family, cooking Italian food, and doing yoga by the sea.

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Enpass User Reviews

*User reviews are not verified

18 8
Based on 26 reviews in 6 languages 7.6
You can trust the Community! Companies can't ask us to delete or change user reviews.
Mike L
Mike L
United States
Love Enpass....this review seems paid for by LastPass
Windows User
Have to agree with previous review by Dylan. LastPass overly promoted.
I've used Enpass for a while now and my favourite feature is that my data is all stored securely encrypted locally. Never sent to LastPass to be hacked in their cloud/servers. Syncing between devices is seamless. Store encrypted vault in cloud service of choice and it syncs instantly when you open the app on devices. Or if you are really paranoid(not a bad thing) only use it on one device and it's even more secure.
I do agree with master password comment. That should be enforced to be strong.
Try Enpass, great app really easy to use, despite this reviewers comments, and great support and knowledgeable users to help.
United Kingdom
You're missing the point felicity
Android User
You are completely missing the point felicity, cyber security expert. You're treating enpass like one of the many online password managers.

I bet you say password safe is completely rubbish because there isn't even any auto form filling.

These are password managers designed to be Offline. The online component of enpass is up to the user to use their own if they want to share it, like via Google drive.

I'm giving it 3 simply because they charge for it.

Personally is tell everyone to use password safe and if you want to keep it mobile, put it behind a free cloud drive.
South Africa
Enpass is much better than LastPass and Dashlane
Windows User
I completely disagree with a lot of what Felicity wrote in her review. In my opinion, the Enpass review is extremely biased towards LastPass.

1. Browser extensions - The "Install Extensions" link takes me to a single page with all of the browser extensions ranging from Chrome to Firefox. I also disagree about the icons not having text descriptions, have you tried hovering your mouse over the icons? You'll find that there are tooltips containing the details for each icon/button, the extensions UI needs to be kept small and simple in order to reduce unnecessary space wastage.

2. Password generator - I'm not sure that you even bothered to look for the password generator in the mobile app, its extremely hard to miss, its the icon next to ...Show More
Love enpass
Mac User
Was a 1password user and did like it but with recent changes I was unhappy. tested other popular ones but enpasss is awesome. I am a web developer and use Filezilla for FTP. I was shocked enpass captured my FTP info automatically LIKE FOR A SITE saving me hours. It in many ways is like 1password but better. I have not tried on my prone as I am security conscious I never trust phone security and so no passwords on phone and never go to login any site from phone.
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